Genetic Technologies Limited

Maize for Grain

Indicative maize for grain costs of production for the 2024-25 season

The economics of growing maize for grain are dependent on growing costs, crop yield and the price received per tonne of grain. As a guide, the approximate fixed and variable costs to grow maize for grain are shown in this table. All costs exclude GST and were indicative at 31 March 2024. Given current price volatility we would encourage you to complete your own budget prior to the start of the growing season. Please contact your local merchant representative or contractor to establish current costs.

Use the ‘My costs’ column to determine your costs based on the estimates provided.

Growing and harvest costs Indicative costs
My costs ($/ha)
Pre Planting Cost of land1 ?
Soil test, other 10
Base: Lime @ 1 t/ha + application 130
Base fertiliser: 300 kg/ha + application 350
Cultivation: to planting specifications 480
Planting Pioneer® brand maize seed P0640 @ 94,000/ha 585
FAR levy ($1.00/10,000 kernels @ 94,000/ha) 10
LumiGENTM System L-400 seed insecticide treatment 150
Starter fertiliser: 250 kg/ha DAP + application 305
Planting 220
Post planting Pre-emergence weed control + application 140
Post-emergence weed control + application 145
Side dressing: 250 kg/ha urea + application 325
Harvest: combine 500
  Total input costs per hectare $3,350
Down arrow
Interest on input costs excluding harvest
Interest rate 8%
Interest @ 8% for 8 months $150
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Total costs (inputs & interest)


Cartage and drying costs

Tonnes per hectare - DRY (@ 14% moisture)
Tonnes per hectare - WET
Cartage and drying costs ($)
Cartage: 50 km @ $22 per wet tonne
Drying: (from 22% - 14%) @ $46 per wet tonne
Total drying costs per hectare
Cost summary ($)
Input costs
Interest (on input costs)
Drying costs / cartage costs
Total costs


  1. Costs to grow, harvest, transport and dry the crop are estimates only. Estimates are based on a sample of contractor rates, other typical industry charges and product costs. All costs exclude GST and were indicative at 31 March 2024.
  2. Average land rentals have not been included because of a large regional variation. Provision to consider land rental has been included in the My Costs column.
  3. Medium yield growing environment where 94,000 seeds of hybrid P9978 are planted per hectare.
  4. Wet (harvest) moisture content of 22%.


The information in this tool is general in nature and is not intended to be a representation of actual costs. We do not accept any responsibility or liability (whether as a result of negligence or otherwise) for any loss of any kind that may arise from actions based on the contents of this tool or otherwise in connection with the use of this cost guide.