First to plant, first to feed
Bettagraze is a drought tolerant sorghum x sudan grass hybrid that is proven to produce high yields. Graze Bettagraze or harvest and store it as silage or hay as a dependable feed when you need it most.

Rapid early growth and quick recovery after grazing or cutting. Bettagraze offers a high sugar content, fine stems and disease-free leaves. Its delayed heading makes it highly suitable for grazing, silage or hay production. A larger seed size means Bettagraze can be planted into the soil moisture zone allowing good establishment, even in dry seed beds. Suitable for grazing with dairy or beef.
Bag size: 25 kg
Recommended planting rate: 25-45 kg/ha
Planting depth: 3-5 cm
Key Benefits of using Bettagraze:
- Drought tolerant. Bettagraze has a water use efficiency which is more than 70% higher than perennial ryegrass
- Rapid early growth. Under warm growing conditions Bettagraze will be ready for the first cut or grazing just 35 to 45 days after planting. Crop must be one metre in height before cutting or feeding
- Quick regrowth after cutting or grazing. Bettagraze can be cut or grazed 3-4 times in a warm growing season
- High sugar content, fine stems and a high leaf to stem ratio for excellent palatability and good feed value
- Ideal for dairy or beef cattle and sheep
Tips to achieve high Bettagraze yields:
- Plant Bettagraze in warm growing environments only. While it is best suited to areas north of Hamilton, Bettagraze can be successfully grown in warm microclimates in other areas
- Choose paddocks with good water holding capacity and medium to high fertility. Soil test to determine crop fertiliser requirements
- Spray out the paddock and cultivate to achieve a fine, even weed-free seedbed
- Plant when the soil temperature is at least 17°C at 3-5 cm depth and rising
- Drill and roll Bettagraze into a fine, moist seed-bed at 3-5 cm depth. Broadcast sowing is not recommended
- Plant at 25-45 kg/ha. Crops planted at higher rates will have thinner stems and a higher yield potential
- Graze Bettagraze behind a wire or cut it 35-45 days after planting when the crop reaches around 1 metre in height. For maximum regrowth leave a residual of 15 cm
- Recut or graze after 4-5 weeks when the crop is at least 0.8 m and no more than 1.2 m in height
- Monitor nitrate and prussic acid levels especially in crops that have been drought stressed or frosted
- Always spray out Bettagraze crops before autumn frosts and/or regrassing