Genetic Technologies Limited

Taranaki & Lower North Island

Find out where the team are heading and what they are getting up to on the Rural Roadie. Whether you're a farmer, grower, contractor, consultant, or rural professional, Matt and Wade’s Rural Roadie offers something for everyone. 

No RSVP required, all you need to do is turn up and we'll cover the rest. For more infomation, contact your local Pioneer Rep.

Monday 24 March

10:00 - 12:30PM: Stack Chats

Join us for a two-part event where our team will review the latest maize hybrids and their performance in the Taranaki region. Following on, we'll head to the Faull Farms to gain insight into better utilising your maize silage from stack to vat.

We'll have the BBQ fired up for lunch and look forward to seeing you.

Part 1: Pioneer New Plymouth Trial Site - Corner of SH3 and Mahoetahi Road

Part 2: Faull Farms - 99A Inland North Road, RD 43, Waitara, 4383


Tuesday 25 March 

8:30 - 10:30AM: Coffee & Corn at Cleavers

Join us for a coffee at Cleavers where the team will host an open discussion on maize silage and building resilience in systems. With the season throwing challenges our way, explore how maize can help buffer your system, maintain production, and keep your herd well-fed when pasture is under pressure.

Location: 430 South Road, Hawera (SN 41845)

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Wednesday 26 March

10:30 - 12:30PM: Farming in the 'sweet spot'

Join the team and BakerAgs Senior Dairy Consultant Chris Lewis as they explore Jared's system and how the Whittfield’s two dairy farms have different 'sweet spots'

We'll supply lunch and refreshments.

Location: 215 Opiki Road, Opiki, 4474

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Thursday 27 March

10:30 - 12:30PM: Barn Yarns

A facilitated discussion of shared experiences from composting barn systems around the Manawatu and Tararua. Delving into practical learnings and knowledge gaps for future improvements. For more information on this event, please contact your local Pioneer Rep.

Get in touch with your local Area Manager

Alan Bunning

Alan Bunning

Area Manager

North Taranaki

027 206 0147

Kim Sharpe

Kim Sharpe

Area Manager

South Taranaki

027 528 0012

Mark Burke

Mark Burke

Regional Manager

Lower North Island

027 451 3987

Richard Templeton

Richard Templeton

Area Manager

Southern Manawatu & Horowhenua

027 239 0279