Genetic Technologies Limited
Hybrid P0725 P0725

P0725 Maize Silage Hybrid

Superior performance with extraordinary consistency.

Delivers top-end silage yields in all warmer northern production regions.

  • Optimum AQUAmax® drought tolerance provides resilience when it is dry and yield responsiveness with favorable growing conditions.
  • Standability and notable staygreen provide a wide harvest window that contractors will appreciate.
  • Produces high grain content silage with digestibility ratings that drive milk production.

Where Northern Leaf Blight is a concern consider P0900, an alternative AQUAmax® option, P0937 or P1096.

Recommended established plant
populations (000's/ha)

Challenging yield environments


Medium yield environments


High yield environments


Download Tech Note

Recommended growing regions

Hybrid Region Map
Optimum AQUAmax logo

CRM 107

Estimated days 135-156

Drought Tolerance 9

Stalk Strength 6

Root Strength 6

Early Growth 7

Plant Height 7

Staygreen 8


Seed tag colour

Maize for silage hybrid performance information

Feature hybrid Comparison hybrid Number of trials Harvest drymatter difference (%)1 Yield advantage (kgDM/ha)2 Statistical significance3
P0725 Brutus 18 -1 4093 starstarstar
P0725 PAC355 (G49-T9) 61 -3 3395 starstarstar
P0725 Maximus 35 -1.8 2375 starstarstar
P0725 P0362 32 -1.9 1586 starstarstar
P0725 P0640 107 -1.2 862 starstar
P0725 P0891 175 -2.1 752 starstarstar
P0725 P0900 20 -1 792 star
P0725 P0937 43 0.5 1266 starstar
P0725 P1636 55 2.4 -833 star
P0725 PAC430 12 0.4 2932 starstar
P0725 PAC432 50 0.4 1398 starstar
P0725 PAC456 56 1.2 725 CA
P0725 PAC400 (Plenitude) 36 -0.5 2091 starstarstar
Bay of Plenty, Gisborne & Northern Hawke's Bay
P0725 P0900 6 -1.3 -670 NS
P0725 P1636 10 2.3 348 NS

Scientific Designation

star 1 star 2 star 3 = very highly significant yield advantage to Pioneer

star 1 star 2 = highly significant yield advantage to Pioneer

star 1 = significant yield advantage to Pioneer

NS = not significant

CA = commercially acceptable

1 Positive DM differences means the bolded hybrid was drier at harvest, negative DM differences mean it was wetter.

2 A positive yield advantage means the bolded hybrid produced more yield, a negative yield advantage means it produced less.

3 For information on statistical significance click here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Hybrid comparisons are only valid within a range of + or - 4 CRM. These descriptions mainly feature product strengths. When choosing hybrids, also review carefully the trait ratings found in the table here. Contact your local Pioneer Area Manager or merchant representative for further advice.

Talk to a Pioneer representative

Brent Bishop

Brent Bishop

Regional Manager

North Waikato & Northland

027 554 3315

Shaun Ruddell

Shaun Ruddell

Area Manager

Dargaville & Far North

027 507 4881

Corey Thorn

Corey Thorn

Area Manager

Whangarei & Wellsford

027 886 0221

Gil Dallas

Gil Dallas

Area Manager

South Auckland & North Waikato

027 275 2147

Craig Maxwell

Craig Maxwell

Regional Manager

Central Waikato & Bay of Plenty

027 224 0917

Wade Bell

Wade Bell

Farm Systems Manager

Waikato & Northland

027 702 7049