Genetic Technologies Limited
Hybrid P1096 P1096 New

P1096 Maize Silage Hybrid

Secure plant delivers yield stability.

Similar in type to P0900 and P0937.

  • Has low ear placement, superior roots, and stalks.
  • Superior Northern Leaf Blight and Rust resistances combine with dependable drought tolerance and staygreen for late season plant health, a wide harvest window and silage and grain yield stability.
  • A balanced all-round hybrid well applied in situations where standability and Northern Leaf Blight are seasonal challenges.
  • Widely adapted between Kaitaia and Napier where established plant populations should be adjusted to match realistic paddock yield expectation.

Plant with P0900, P0937 or P1315.

Recommended established plant
populations (000's/ha)

Challenging yield environments


Medium yield environments


High yield environments


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Recommended growing regions

Hybrid Region Map

CRM 110

Drought Tolerance 7

Stalk Strength 7

Root Strength 7

Early Growth 6

Plant Height 6

Staygreen 8


Seed tag colour

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