Genetic Technologies Limited
Hybrid P7124 P7124

P7124 Maize Silage Hybrid

Raising the yield bar in cooler regions.

P7124 has become the go-to option for growing high-quality silage in New Zealand's cooler maize growing regions.

  • Tall for maturity, bulky plant with notable grain filled ears.
  • Strong standability and drought tolerance with excellent staygreen for a wide harvest window.
  • Impressive silage yields with great energy and digestibility ratings.

Recommended established plant
populations (000's/ha)

Challenging yield environments


Medium yield environments


High yield environments


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Recommended growing regions

Hybrid Region Map

CRM 71

Estimated days 115-130

Drought Tolerance 6

Stalk Strength 6

Root Strength 6

Early Growth 7

Plant Height 7

Staygreen 9


Seed tag colour

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