Genetic Technologies Limited

Pasture's Perfect Partner

Because pasture alone isn't enough

Around the globe, New Zealand dairy products evoke visions of rolling green hills with contented cows grazing under blue skies. And this is a pretty accurate picture. Our dairy farms are, and always will be, pasture-first systems.

But maintaining a high producing herd takes more than just grass and clover. To a growing numbers of kiwi dairy farmers, maize silage is the answer. As a high-energy supplement, it’s a reliable and nutritious feed source that also delivers animal health, financial, pastoral and environmental benefits.

Read how your farm can benefit from maize silage or arrange a no-obligation chat with one of our Farm Systems Specialists. See below for further details.

Informative reading

For an in-depth look at the wide-ranging benefits that maize silage offers dairy farmers, this booklet offers research-based insights, a case study and more.

View online

Talk to a Farm Systems Specialist

Wade Bell

Wade Bell

Farm Systems Manager

Waikato & Northland

027 702 7049

Matt Dalley

Matt Dalley

Farm Systems Manager

Lower North Island, Taranaki & South Island

027 508 1719